American Legion Colorado Boys State is a 501(c)(3) public charity.

Our mission is to instill a love of God and country, and a sense of Patriotism by increasing Colorado youths’ education on how our American Republic form of government is designed to operate through the creation of an interactive week-long civics program.

For years, studies have shown schools across the nation have either dramatically decreased or completely eliminated civics in our schools’ curriculum. Because of this, students face challenges upon graduation and understanding the processes of our American form of government. As a result, we create another generation of voting age citizens making uninformed decisions related to electing our leaders and voting on issues that will help mold our state’s and nation’s policies and laws. Our Boys State program teaches using an interactive and hands-on learning experience, how to understand and take charge of those actions that will impact their life and the lives of those living in their community. We have been positively changing the lives in our Junior High School boys for almost 70 years through Colorado Boys State. Our motto of “A Week That Shapes a Lifetime” is more than a mantra. Former Boys State alumni include US Presidents, Federal, State and local elected leaders, and many other industry professionals that have excelled as a result of their experience at Boys State.

The American Legion fully intends to continue our programs because we believe America’s future is in our youth of today.

Thank you for donating to this worthwhile cause.

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